Friday, February 17, 2012

Monarch Mountain

Gavin is FINALLY home and he decided to come visit for a few days. Number one on his list was snowboarding and I was not super excited because I AM TERRIBLE at snowboarding... I have switched over to skiing and I must say that I am so glad we went and it was one of the best "family" days we have ever had:) Cole, Justin, and Gavin were gone most of the time snowboarding on their own and I kept the little kids on skis on the bunny hill. They all did great and by the end of the day Kenzie was skiing down the slopes. Thanks Gav for insisting we go, we had a great time.

Monday, January 30, 2012


On Saturday we took the kids out for the day. We went to breakfast, and to a park, and then ventured up to Denver. They all had the most fun at the park because the pond was frozen so they could go play on it. I was super cold out and they still had a great time.